Logo, Webway starMislav Jakšić

Frontend Tech Stack


Croatian citizens can get one free domain for their own person and one for their registered company from Domene.hr.
Gandi and Porkbun are domain registars where you can buy additional domains.


Each host will teach you how to connect your domain to your website. Use whatsmydns to check if your domain name has propogated across the world.
You must be able to control spending. When you are exposed to the Internet you never know when a botnet will rack up a 10k bill.
AWS allows you to set an action that triggers when you reach your budget.

Web Frameworks

Unlike Vue.js or Angular which use HTML templates,Next.js which is based on React uses JSX to write components.
The React library and its reccommended framework, Next.js, are maintained by a large company, have a sprawling ecosystem and require writing of HTML inside a JavaScript file.


TailwindCSS styles HTML using utility classes.
clsx is a utility for constructing className strings conditionally.

Component library

DaisyUI is free and can be customized with TailwindCSS.
shadcn.ui has even more components than DaisyUI.
Blueprint has great components for high-performance tables.


Visual Studio has great plugins for React development:


Get a browser that has:

Link maintenance

EnabletypedRoutes in Next.js to discover links that changed.